Saturday, February 16, 2013

Thumb Spica Splint

1.Tracing :  above IP joint, curve above wrist and tail 1/2 palmar 
Fold the tracing and cut it out!
It should look like a butterfly....
2. Cut the splint.
3. Fabricating - keep client's hand in elbow flexed and neutral position... Attach the straight side together at thumb side. ( the V of the trace is where client thumb should be ) and the tail attach around the wrist.
4. Flaring - After attach both side, cut any extra edges and using a heat gun to flare it down.
5. Strapping only at the tail side, so you might have to cut it a little bit short.

 The key point is:

  • wrist should be able to flex, extend and ulnar & radial deviation
  • fingers able to flex at MCP joint and make a fist
  • some thumb still be free to ensure client able to participate the thumb in activity ( pinching )
Well here the finish touch...
and one more thing, the thumb should be straight or  like a vertical plane position.

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